Video offers a unique experience. Even more than still images, video can effectively tell a story, evoke specific emotions, or simply capture someone’s attention. Video creates powerful connections - whether it be to a memory, an idea, a celebration, or a call-to-action.
With video, you can take people places. And now, it's easy to bring that experience to your homepage.
First impressions are everything, and that’s why homepage content is so important - it welcomes visitors into your site. Several free eCatholic themes offer homepage designs with large feature regions to display beautiful photography. Now, many of our new themes offer the option to fill the feature region with video.
Simply add video from YouTube, Vimeo, or your eCatholic LIVE account directly to your Homepage Feature Region. Trust us, it's as easy as copy-and-paste! (Full video tutorial posted below.)
Imagine large, vivid imagery and movement on your homepage. For example:
Whatever it might be, create your own unique and beautiful experience using video on your homepage.
Know how to copy and paste? The Video Mode option simply uses the URL of media published on YouTube or Vimeo. To get started check out our tutorial video:
Once saved, your video clip will play muted the moment the site is accessed. Plus, you can decide whether to show the video control options for users (i.e., play button, progress bar, etc.).
Already have a video you want to use?
Great, you’re almost done! Just watch the video above or follow the step-by-step instructions in our Help Center to plug it into your homepage.
Need to create a homepage video?
No problem. Homepage videos can simply be a rotation of scenes with movement. Start with the front of your building: Leaves can be seen blowing in the wind as a swarm of people stroll into the front doors from the parking lot. Presto! You’re off to a great start.
If you could take anyone anywhere on your campus to experience something for just a minute, what would you want them to see? Go ahead and take them there with Video Mode on your eCatholic website.